Hari ini baru membuka kembali blog yang teryata sudah 2 tahun ini mati suri karena aku sama sekali seperti tidak punya gairah untuk menuliskan apapun di dalamnya. Plus waktuku harus diolah sedemikian rupa biar cukup untuk melakukan banyak hal.
Nulis ini sambil nemenin anak-anak yang lagi asyik berkegiatan sendiri. Nadia yang sedang berkutat dengan hafalan Al Baqarah-nya. Naila yang lagi asyik dengan nonton "The Crood". Sedang-kan Bapaknya anak-anak sedang keluar untuk membeli makanan untuk makan malam ini. Menunya bakalan Cap Cay Kuah dan Fuyung Hai.
Sedang diriku hari ini rasanya sedang overwhelmed dengan berbagai hal. Seperti tumpukan cucian yang sepertinya baru kemarin dikosongkan dan ternyata laudry basketnya udah penuh lagi hari ini.......ihik. Tapi cari semangat lagi deh. Kalau tidak dikerjakan sekarang kapan lagi. Besok pasti sudah sibuk lagi dengan aktivitas lainnya. Jadi pingin mindahin posisi mesin cuci yang biasanya sedikit menghalangi pintu menjadi menghadap pintu saja. Alhamdulillah ruangan jadi terasa lebih lebar. Mesin cucinya nggak kudekatkan sink dapur biar ndak kecipratan air kotor di mana-mana. Mulai diisi air, dan sambil nunggu aku bisa mulai menyeleksi baju-baju yang akan masuk lagi plus makan malam menemani suami yang sekarang jadi sedikit otoriter minta selalu ditemani kalau makan sejak meja makan bundar cafe kami diganti meja makan besar yang pas buat makan berempat.
Sambil menunggu cucian, selesaikan dulu jemuran dan lipat-ipat baju keringnya. Dan baca artikel "5 Tips & Tricks make 30 Days a success"
1. Dealing with what comes Through The Door
Set up a small area by the front door to act as a "
landing strip" for incoming items into your home.
Siapkan area kecil dekat Pintu Depan yang bisa digunakan sebagai "Landing Ship" bagi barang-barang yang masuk ke rumah.
Do Your Dishes After Every Meal This will help you stay
on top of your kitchen instead of having it turn into a monster! No one
really wants to do them (after all, you probably cooked dinner to
boot). But waiting for another meal or until you have enough to fill the
dishwasher just makes things feel overwhelming and easier to put off.
The same goes for take out trash as well. If you need to take the trash
out, place it by the front door to go out in the morning or dispose of
it that night so it's over and done with. Still having trouble?
3. Laundry If you have a washer and dryer at home, do a
little bit each day. Spread things out so you don't feel bogged down by
200 towels and stinky socks. If you take things to a laundromat, sort
clothes as you go so things are easier to load up into machines when you
get there. Fold them before you come home so you aren't dumping baskets
out on your sofa or bed and they can go straight into drawers and
4. Whistle While You Work: Those who are happiest when
cleaning are few and far between. Singing, humming, whistling or
turning up the stereo are all great options to keep the beat in your
feet and have fun while working
Set a Timer: Most items on the list below should take
no more than 20 minutes total. It's easy to rationalize 20 minutes, but
it's also easy to get distracted by phone calls, emails, children and
other projects that call your name as you tackle each chore. Set a timer
for 5 or 10 minutes (which ever works best for you) and that way when
it sounds you know exactly how much time you have left. If you find
yourself off task it's easy to get back on track.
6. Habits are formed by doing and one of the best ways to change a bad
habit is to replace it with another action. So if the time spent right
when you come home from work is usually filled with email reading and a
small nap, try switching it out with your cleaning instead. Making the
20 minute time slot routine will build good habits and help you stay on
top of the game without feeling like it's a real chore.
7 Ways You're Making House Cleaning Harder Than It Has To Be
You don't clean as you go
You know the best time to clean your shower? After you've
showered and everything's already wet. The same applies to your kitchen
while you're cooking (pick up as you go and clean after you finish),
your closet as you dress (re-hang stuff after you take them down) and
plenty of other examples. When possible, clean as you do things or right
after so you don't leave messes that just get worse as time goes by.
2. You do activities in rooms not intended for those uses
Anytime you say, eat in the bedroom or work in the living room, you're
bringing in items that don't belong in that room. Meaning you've got to
bring those items back to where they belong when you're done, or your
house looks messy. It might not seem like much, but keeping items close
to where they're normally stored means it might be easier for them to
find their way home again. Of course, those in small spaces might find
it impossible to only do one activity per room, but it's something to
consider if your home is always just a little less picked-up than you'd
like it to be.
3. You're not preventing dirt well enough
Do you keep your shoes on in the house? Do you leave all your
windows open when there's construction nearby? Any home that's being
lived in is going to get dirty, but you could be taking steps to keep it
from getting dirtier than it has to be.
4. You don't use the right cleaning supplies or tools (or use them correctly)
You want to stock your home with the most effective cleaning
supplies and invest in sturdy, well-made tools. But you also want to use
the tools and supplies that work for how you like to clean — if you
know you're more likely to sweep regularly than vacuum, don't spend a
ton of money on a vacuum you'll never use; invest in a great broom. And
you want to make sure you're reading the directions on products as well
as researching the best cleaning methods for any spots around the house
that never seem clean enough — you just might not be cleaning it the
best way. Tricks like dusting the blinds with dryer sheets, using coffee
filters on mirrors instead of paper towels and more can cut your
cleaning time down and make you more satisfied with the results, too.
5. You're not efficient
Do you waste a lot of energy walking back and forth across
your house, forgetting cleaning supplies or throwing things away? You
want to tote your tools and cleaners with you, from room to room, and
bring a trash bag along, too. Attack your home cleaning methodically:
Start from the back of your home to the front, from the back of each
room to the front of each room. From top to bottom. And tackle one room
at a time. Don't switch tasks, get distracted and start something else
or repeat yourself.
6.You don't have a schedule
You know what makes cleaning harder? Waiting so long in
between cleaning that you have to spend more time just to get it back to
a reasonable state of cleanliness. We've given you different home
cleaning schedules before, find the one that works for you. And then
schedule it like you would an appointment or job responsibility —
something in your calendar you have to keep. This makes it a habit and
more about maintaining clean, not having to scrub for hours.
7. You don't make it fun
Indulge in some reality television while you scrub something.
Put on some Madonna and dance while you shine. Or put on some podcasts
and get smarter while you vacuum. If you combine your scheduled home
cleaning time with catching up on "This American Life" you might
actually come to look forward to it! (Maybe)